Abstract Submission:

Abstracts (see template) will be published in MINERALOGIA, SPECIAL PAPERS, whereas full papers in MINERALOGIA. Instructions for authors are given on the website of MINERALOGIA (Mineralogical Society of Poland).

  1. Abstracts of oral presentations and posters, should be e-mailed to geochemia2010@ujk.edu.pl or geochemistry2010@ujk.edu.pl before June 30, 2010.
  2. Abstract qualification ends on July 15, 2010.
  3. Maximum poster size is: 120 cm high and 80 cm wide
    Important information for poster authors:
    A short poster presentation will be included in the conference program. Please be prepared to give a 5-minute speech on the subject of your poster.
  4. Full papers should be e-mailed to geochemia2010@ujk.edu.pl or geochemistry2010@ujk.edu.pl before September 10, 2010.