Abstract Submission:
Abstracts (see template) will be published in MINERALOGIA, SPECIAL PAPERS, whereas full papers in MINERALOGIA. Instructions for authors are given on the website of MINERALOGIA (Mineralogical Society of Poland).
- Abstracts of oral presentations and posters, should be e-mailed to geochemia2010@ujk.edu.pl or geochemistry2010@ujk.edu.pl before June 30, 2010.
- Abstract qualification ends on July 15, 2010.
- Maximum poster size is: 120 cm high and 80 cm wide
Important information for poster authors:
A short poster presentation will be included in the conference program. Please be prepared to give a 5-minute speech on the subject of your poster. - Full papers should be e-mailed to geochemia2010@ujk.edu.pl or geochemistry2010@ujk.edu.pl before September 10, 2010.