Conference fees
Conference fees (full board, bus transfers and conference materials):
500 ZL (before June 30) / 550 ZL (after June 30, 2010)
for students:
400 ZL (before June 30) / 450 ZL (after June 30, 2010)
Fees should be paid at Bank PeKaO S.A., account no.:
- for Polish participants: 92 1240 4559 1111 0000 5420 4162,
- for forign participants: PL 92 1240 4559 1111 0000 5420 4162,
as recipient please enter: Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne (Mineralogical Society of Poland)
Al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Kraków
Additional information, PTMin NIP: 677-19-91-635